If you ever needed an idea for a perfect afternoon or date I’ve got a great recommendation. Wine Festivals! They are not just great for trying out a bunch of local wineries but you get to mingle and see what the community has to offer. The age range was 21-80 and everyone was having a good time. This is a yearly event that the San Diego County Vintners Association puts on. Not only was there unlimited wine tastings but they had delicious charcuterie plates and plenty of great photo ops. I went with a friend and it was a perfect Sunday. I prefer a nice Chardonnay to a red but there were so many delicious options. Since they put on this event every year I highly recommend if you didn’t get a chance to go this year to try next years! Grab a friend, lover, or acquaintance and head over to the SDCVA Wine Festival.
Wine Goers enjoy the unlimited tastings at the winery!
Live music was being performed by an amazing artist who was featured on American Idol

Wine Quotes
“Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.”
― Ernest Hemingway